This Series will focus on the Saints. My favourite saints, saints that did awful things, saints that did wonderful things. Saints that died young, saints that died old. All amazing examples of how to love God with all our hearts.
September can be a busy month for a lot of us. The summer is over. Students are back at school. Teachers are back at work. The weather gets colder. There are lots of changes in September, and sometimes, those changes can seem overwhelming. So to help you out, here are some Saints that can pray for you.
Saints with Feast Days in September:
Pope St. Gregory the Great - September 3rd
St. Teresa of Calcutta - September 5th
St. John Chrysostom - September 13th
St. Joseph of Cupertino - September 18th
St. Matthew - September 21st
St. Padre Pio - September 23rd
St. Vincent de Paul - September 27th
St. Lorenzo Ruiz - September 28th
The Archangels (St. Gabriel, St. Michael, St.Raphael) - September 29th
St. Gregory - September 30th
Saints with Feast Days in October:
St. Therese of Lisieux - October 1st
St. Francis of Assisi - October 4th
St. Faustina Kowlaska - October 5th
St. Teresa of Avila - October 15th
St. Ignatius of Antioch - October 17th
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque - October 17th
St. Luke - October 18th
Pope St. John Paul II - October 22nd
St. Jude Thaddaeus - October 28th
Patron Saints of Teachers:
St. Catherine of Alexandria - November 25th
Pope St. Gregory the Great - September 3rd
St. John Baptist de la Salle - April 7th
St. Francis de Sales - January 24th
Patron Saints of Students:
St. Catherine of Alexandria - November 25th
St. Joseph of Cupertino - September 18th
St. Thomas Aquinas - January 28th
St. Scholastica - February 10th
St. Gemma Galgani - April 11th
St. Aloysius Gonzaga - June 21st
St. Albert - November 15th
St. Francis de Sales - January 24th
St. Isidore of Seville - April 4th
St. John Berchmans - August 13th
Saints to Pray to in Times of Change and Healing:
St. Dymphna - Stress, Anxiety, Mental Health - May 15th
St. Luke - Surgery - October 18th
St. Peregrine - Cancer - May 4th
St. Rita of Cascia - Impossible Causes - May 22nd
St. Jude Thaddeeus - Impossible Causes - October 28th
St. Philomena - Impossible Causes - August 11th
St. Gregory of Thaumaturgus - Impossible Causes - November 17th
St. Maximilian Kolbe - Addictions - August 14th
St. Mary Magdalen - Penitent Sinners - July 22nd