About Me
Let Me Introduce Myself
Here are some things that you should know before you read my blog:
My name is Noëlle, and no, I was not born in December (I was born in October, and I am so happy that my parents didn’t name me “Pumpkin,” or “Jack-o-Lantern,” like my dad always joked about doing).
I am the oldest of 6 kids (7 if you include my stillborn sister, Isabelle). The order of siblings is: me, sister, sister, brother, sister, sister (in heaven), sister. Only one boy in the family… (poor Ben)!
I have a degree of Elementary Education, but I chose to do Youth Ministry instead of teaching in a classroom.
I am married to a wonderful nerd named Nathan. We got married in 2016, and we bought our first house in 2019 (our house was 100% turquoise inside when we bought it, so we call it the “Turquoise Cottage.” I think it’s fitting).
I have been Catholic my whole life, but I feel as though I’ve only started to fall in love with my faith in the last few years. I am not the most catechized person around, but hopefully this blog will give me an opportunity and incentive to dig deeper into my faith.
Nathan and I have not been blessed with children yet. This is a big struggle for us, and is what I will base a lot of my blog posts around.
I’m not writing this blog to educate people, make a point, or to tell people how to live their lives. I am writing this blog for me; to help myself see how God works in my life, to jot down interesting facts I’ve learned about my faith, and to help me grow in love for God and for the Catholic Church.
Having people read and enjoy my blog is an added bonus. If what I write helps, enlightens, or interests people, that’s amazing! It will make me so happy, but if no one read this, I’ll be ok, too!
I am not a professional writer, and I am not a Catholic scholar in any sense of the word. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but have never written professionally. This is something fun for me to do, so if there are spelling, grammar, or any kind of writing errors, I apologize. I do know how to write, so hopefully I catch the mistakes ahead of time, but I’m only human.
I chose the name, “I Am Worthy” for my blog, because I have struggled with feeling worthy, especially since I found out about my condition (the one that prevents me from having kids). I have struggled with feeling worthy of love, God’s love especially. None of us are perfect by any means, but we are all worthy of God's love and mercy. If that resonates with you, hopefully my blogs can help a little bit.
And that’s about it! I hope you stick around to read my posts and that you enjoy them!
I’ve always told people that I am horrible at giving advice, but I can always pray for you.
So, if you have any prayer intentions, let me know, and I promise to pray for you!
God Bless!
p.s. Photo credit goes to two people.
1. Monica LaFleur. You can find out more about her on her website.
2. Ivania Berube. You can find her photos and more info on her facebook and instagrams pages @ivaniaberubephoto.